MCD NEW Admission Criteria as per PMC 2021 Admission Regulations


Admissions at Margalla College of Dentistry would be strictly on merit without consideration to gender, religion, race, creed, color or domicile. Students from anywhere in Pakistan and overseas may apply. There are no quotas, reserved seats or admissions against donations. Merit-based admissions are open to candidates from around the world.


Admission Committee & Interview Panel

College Admission Committee consisting following would be formed with the sole aim to devise and execute admission policies and process the admissions strictly on merit.

  1. Chief Executive/Executive director, who shall also be the Chairperson of the
  2. Principal/ Dean of
  • Vice Principal/Senior most faculty member of the
  1. Faculty member nominated by the academic council of the
  2. Manager Admissions


Following is the criteria and requirements for admissions to the dental (BDS) program at Margalla College of Dentistry (MCD) for review and final approval by the Pakistan Medical Commission (PMC) as per the provisions of Section 18(3) of the PMC Act 2020 and PMC letter dated February 16, 2021.


  1. A candidate must have passed obtaining minimum sixty five (65) percent marks, in higher secondary school certificate (HSSC) or F.Sc (Pre-medical) or equivalent examination having minimum twelve years of education; or
  2. He/She must have passed, obtaining minimum sixty five (65) percent marks in aggregate in, an examination of a course from a foreign university or examining body or foreign education system with at least three science subjects i.e. biology, chemistry and either physics or mathematics and such course must have been duly certified by the inter- boards committee of chairmen (IBCC) as equivalent to higher secondary school certificate (HSSC) or F.Sc or intermediate level of
  3. He/She must have passed the MDCAT examination held by Pakistan Medical Commission (PMC) or University (as the case may be or notified accordingly by


the PMC). The passing marks for MDCAT would be 65% or as defined/ announced by PMC or the exam conducting authority.

  1. It would be the prerogative of the institute, not to conduct interviews at all in case of certain conditions as approved by the Admission Committee. In such case, admissions would be processed based on 75% aggregate, as stipulated


  1. For purposes of formulating the merit list, the MDCAT result shall carry a 25% weightage as per PMC Medical & Dental Undergraduate Education (Admission, Curriculum & Conduct) Regulation 2021 – Amended.
  2. 50% weightage shall be given to the students marks acquired in the FSC or equivalent marks as certified by IBCC in the case of any other recognized high school qualification obtained by either an external board examination taken in Pakistan or outside
  3. 25% weightage would be given to marks obtained in the interview, to be conducted by
  4. A student can be given only one (1) alternate date in case of any problem or timeline clash with any other institute’s interview. A student not appearing in interview would be considered as not interested for
  5. The College shall add the score of the interview and consolidate with the MDCAT and Sc/IBCC equivalence based Merit aggregate of the student. The college shall finalize the total aggregate out of 100% for final merit of the students.
  6. If two or more students have exactly the same merit up to five decimal points, the students in merit shall be listed by age with the student older in age being placed higher than the student lower in
  7. This aggregate wise merit shall be used by the college for the purpose of final admission offer, subject to certain requirements to be fulfilled including fee submission & documentation


  1. A complete and final merit list of all the qualifying candidates would be displayed on college website, after conclusion of
  2. Students would be offered provisional admissions on the condition of submitting already announced college dues and completing documentation and submitting affidavits etc within due dates.


  1. Interviews would comprise of
    1. 10% marks of emotional stability, intelligence, articulation & personality
    2. 5% marks of productive use of time and other experiences indicating potential for leadership
  • 10% marks shall be allocated to aptitude, general knowledge relating to competency level and reflecting the magnitude concerning to his/her academic


  1. The Admission Application process would start after the declaration of MDCAT result by the Pakistan Medical Commission/University, as the case may
  2. A minimum of 7 days time would be given to students to apply for BDS program at Margalla College of
  3. Admissions would be announced at college Website (, official Facebook page ( and/or a newspaper advert.
  4. Students would be required to obtain college prospectus and application form from college and submit a properly filled in application form complete in all respects along with required documents within due date at college admission
  5. It would be the responsibility of a student to make sure that the form is complete in all respects and it has been submitted in college within the due date No application would be accepted after the due date and hence would not be entitled for admission processing.


  1. All received & complete applications would be compiled and an aggregate of MDCAT (25%) and Fsc or equivalent (50%) would be made out of total 75%. Students would then be called for interviews in merit wise batches. It would be the prerogative of the institute, not to conduct interviews at all in case of certain conditions as approved by the Admission Committee. In such case, admissions would be processed based on 75% aggregate, as stipulated
  2. After interviews, students would be offered provisional admissions on the condition of submitting already announced college dues and completing documentation and submitting affidavits etc within due
  3. In case of a student dropout or removal, a next in line candidate on merit list would be offered admission till the completion of
  4. Final admitted merit list would be displayed on college website and submitted to University/PMC as per the timelines issued by
  5. Classes to be started in last week of December or in
  6. HEC refund policy would be followed in case of any refund
  7. On submission of fake/forged documents and confirmed at any time after admission, a students’ admission would be cancelled and the student would be rusticated from college and reported to PMC and University. All fee deposited would be confiscated and no refund allowed. Student would be charged with the remaining years’ fee for wasting a valuable



The above criteria of admissions is for the BDS programs offered by Margalla College of Dentistry for Academic Year 2021-22. The information provided is subject to change due to certain government policies including but not limited to MDCAT and SAT-II entry test for overseas/foreign candidates, any quota announcements for under developed areas of Gilgit, Balochistan & tribal areas of old FATA etc by Federal and/or provincial government.

Candidates aiming to apply for above stated program are advised to get updated information from college website or admission office before applying.

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