Contact Directory
1. MIHS Exchange
Tel (1): +92 (0) 51-5509518
Tel (2): +92 (0) 51-5509817
2. MIHS Fax
Tel (1): +92 (0) 51-5596908
3. Margalla General Hospital, Pirwadahi
Tel (1): +92 (0) 51-5163344
Fax (1): +92 (0) 51-5163311
4. Margalla Dental Hospital (OPD)
Tel (Ext): 819
5. Hostel
1. Chairman MIHS
email: chairman@margalla.edu.pk
Tel (Ext): 823
2. Vice Chairman MIHS
email: director@margalla.edu.pk
Tel (Ext): 848
3. Manager Admin
email: manager_admin@margalla.edu.pk
Tel (1): +92 (0) 51-5509323
Tel (Ext): 852
4. Manager HR
email: hr@margalla.edu.pk
Tel (1): +92 (0) 51-5509323
Tel (Ext): 051-5509817 051-5509518 Ext 852
5. Manager Logistics
email: manager_logistics@margalla.edu.pk
Tel (Ext): 051-5509817 051-5509518 Ext 846
Tel (Ext): 846
6. Manager Finance
email: manager_fin@margalla.edu.pk
Tel (1): +92 (0) 51-5509810
Tel (Ext): 841
7. Chief Financial Officer (CFO)
email: cfo_fin@margalla.edu.pk
8. Manager IT
email: managerit@margalla.edu.pk
Tel (Ext): 051-5509817 051-5509518 Ext 807
9. Main Gate Reception
Tel (Ext): 051-5509817 051-5509518 Ext 844
1. Student Affairs Department
email: hira.sad@margalla.edu.pk
Tel (Ext): 051-5509817 051-5509518 Ext 825
3. Student Fee Section
email: student_fee@margalla.edu.pk
Tel (Ext): 051-5509817 051-5509518 Ext 810
1. Principal MIHS
email: principal@margalla.edu.pk
Tel (1): +92 (0) 51-5509640
Tel (Ext): 822
2. HOD Periodontology
email: hod_perio@margalla.edu.pk
Tel (Ext): 803
3. HOD Microbiology/Chief Proctor
Tel (Ext): 805
4. HOD Oral Pathology
email: hod_op@margalla.edu.pk
Tel (Ext): 806
5. HOD Community Dentistry
email: hod_cdm@margalla.edu.pk
Tel (Ext): 808
6. HOD Oral Biology
email: hod_ob@margalla.edu.pk
Tel (Ext): 811
7. HOD Orthodontics
email: hod_ortho@margalla.edu.pk
Tel (Ext): 812
8. HOD Medical Education
email: hod_mededu@margalla.edu.pk
Tel (Ext):
9. HOD Oral Medicine
email: hod_omed@margalla.edu.pk
Tel (Ext): 820
10. HOD Physiology
email: hod_physiology@margalla.edu.pk
Tel (Ext): 828
11. HOD General Pathology
email: hod_path@margalla.edu.pk
Tel: (Ext) 834
12. HOD Biochemistry
email: hod_biochemistry@margalla.edu.pk
Tel (Ext): 837
13. HOD Anatomy
email: hod_anatomy@margalla.edu.pk
Tel (Ext): 838
14. HOD Pharmacology
email: hod_pharma@margalla.edu.pk
Tel (Ext): 840
15. Administrator Dental Hospital
email: adm_mdh@margalla.edu.pk
Tel (Ext): 845
16. HOD Community Dentistry
email: hod_cdm@margalla.edu.pk
Tel (Ext): 808
17. Oral Surgery Department
Tel (Ext): 824
18. Operative Department
Tel (Ext): 830
19. Prosthetic Department
Tel (Ext): 836
20. Orthodontics Department
Tel (Ext): 815
21. Dental Material Store
Tel (Ext): 814
1. Dean Faculty of Pharmacy
email: dean_mcp@margalla.edu.pk
Tel (Ext): 842
2. HOD Pharmaceutics
email: hod_ceutics@margalla.edu.pk
Tel (Ext):
3. HOD Pharmacology
email: hod_cology@margalla.edu.pk
4. HOD Pharmacognosy
email: hod_cognosy@margalla.edu.pk
Tel (Ext): 835
5. HOD Pharmaceutical Chemistry
email: hod_chem@margalla.edu.pk
Tel (Ext): 842
1. Principal/Dean
email: vp_dpt@margalla.edu.pk
Tel (Ext): 827
Admission Cell
email: admissions@margalla.edu.pk
Tel (1): +92 (0) 51-5974283
Tel (2): +92 (0) 51-5509518
Tel (Ext): 823
Cell: +92 (0) 345-9599913
It is to notify for the information of all concerned that the following website and facebook pages are the only official representations of Margalla Institute of Health Sciences (MIHS) and its constituent colleges (Margalla College of Dentistry, Margalla College of Pharmacy & Islamabad College of Physiotherapy).
Official Institute website: http://www.margalla.edu.pk/
Official Alumni website: http://www.maa.com.pk/
Official MIHS Facebook Page: http://facebook.com/margalla.edu.pk/
Official MCP Facebook Page: http://facebook.com/mihs.mcp/
Official MIHS Alumni Closed Group: http://facebook.com/groups/mihs.maa/
It is to further notify that we ARE and WILL NOT be responsible for any other source of information provided by other fake/counterfeit facebook pages (and) (or) websites in our name. You can directly follow (or) input the above mentioned addresses into your respective browsers to avoid any inconvenience/forgery/fraud.